Victor Arc By Nian, in Aktualizacje, November 1, 2020 Victor Arc Discover the secrets of the medical campaign...! Discover Victor's true intentions through the secrets he hides in his medical campaign. What exactly is Victor planning? Can it be stopped? Yubina Camp Yubina's camp appeared in the desert areas of the land of the wind. Use her medical knowledge to power up and go into battle! Kaminari Burger's Not only Yubina has an ace up her sleeve. The newly opened Konoha store provides a corresponding increase in strength. Rework: Weapons and armour parts Unique items with unique bonuses? Yes! However, only with selected opponents. Not in random drop. Rework: Original Jutsu effects Upgrade your technique to learn the true power of your technique. New Ninja Way: Shisui ...Shisui joins the fight, drilling enemies ...! 1V.11.20 Read more... 863 views